
Hello lovelies!
I am so glad you clicked on this page! Now I can tell you all about myself and my blog!

I swim.
I laugh.
I am a sophomore in highschool.
I am homeschooled (stop laughing).
I love music.
I love fashion.
I love summer.
I love the sun.
Vineyard Vines.
Ralph Lauren.
Lilly Pullitzer.
I love the beach.
Jack Johnson's music should be a candle scent.
Actually so should Lana Del Ray's.

That sums up my life in just a very few words, but here are the details.

I have been competitively swimming since I was about 7 years old. But I only swam that itty-bitty summer league until I was in 8th grade. The fall I went into 8th grade I made one of the best decisions I've probably ever made in my life. I joined an amazing year round swim team. From this team I have gotten the best friends, coaches, learned perseverance and determination. I have learned I can be way more than I ever thought I could be. I have pushed my limits and accomplished goals I never would have dreamed of accomplishing. Right now, I am still a part of the team. But, right now, I am suffering from some injuries. I have rotator cuff tendonitis in both shoulders due to extreme overuse and loose joints. I also have "breaststroker's knee" in both knees which comes from, you guessed it, swimming breaststroke (which just so happens to be my stroke and event). And as I am writing this I have also just found out I have not one, but two bone tumors in my knee, which makes my breaststroker's knee even more painful. As of now, I have seriously cut back on swimming. And it. breaks. my. heart. I feel like I am losing part of myself. But sadly, there is only so much I can do to fix it. Only God can fix it. I am finding out I am only human, and I can't just push through the pain and then everything will be fine. It doesn't work like that. God is trying to teach me a lesson. It is a hard one, but I will keep praying that God's will becomes my will.  I can still swim, just not on the level I desire. I will keep ya'll updated on all that is going on in that part of my life!

I'm southern. I say "ya'll". I drink sweat tea. Etc. Relaxed summer days are what I live for. I love preppy clothing. I'm preppy--I just can't help it. Monograms, pearls, floral prints, cute summer dresses, chevron, bright colored baseball caps, croakies, southern tshirt, you get the point. On my blog I will be sharing a lot about my style. OOTDs, tips, bits and pieces, wants, advice, parts of my cloeset, etc. It's just something I love. And I don't only love summer. Late nights snuggled up by the fire, warm mug in hand, the smell of cinnamon--bliss.
I am also homeschooled. Always have been. And no, I am not unsocialized. No I am not sheltered. Yes I hang out with people. Everyday. 
And yes--I do school in my pajamas.
And that, my friends, is the best part of homeschooling.
The way I homeschool, really isn't that different then living what you folks would call "a normal life". I take classes twice a week, have swim practice every day (twice a day some days). I'm not home that often. But when I am I sit on my bed in my pajamas and listen to music and do my homework while I eat my breakfast or lunch. I have no late night study sessions, because I can study during the day. I can go out to lunch and go other places during the day that people in school can't. I have so much more freedom.
Now tell me you aren't jealous.
My blog is here because I love spilling out my thoughts. Ever have that feeling where you just wanna share your life, dreams, thoughts, and happenings with the world? Maybe someone you've never met before? Maybe even give advice or help out someone else? That's why I am here.
I am so glad you happened to stop by my blog! If you need to contact me please let me know in a comment. Follow me maybe? Comments are beautiful. You are wonderful.

That's me on the far right with me and my cousin and little sister!

Instagram: sarabethy
Twitter: sarabethy97
Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/sarabethyluvsu/

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