Thursday, December 19, 2013

well this is awkward

The fact that I haven't posted goodness I don't even know how long.
Its actually a long story to why I haven't blogged but here it is in summary:

I was tired. Tired of the hype of blogging. I felt like every time I got on and read others' blogs and got on to write one of mine, I was filled with greed, jealousy, and encompassed with the need for more things. Isn't that what it's about though? "Hey, go buy this thing and you'll instantly be the center of attention!" "see how many followers you can get if you do... *blank*" "you have to be cute though" and "money money money" and etc. Why can't we be happy with the things we have? Well, I felt that every time I blogged, I wasn't. I was so very discontent. Even though my closet may be bursting and my wallet be so much more full than the majority of the world, I felt like I still needed more. So I needed a break. I took one and I have come back with a fresh look on things and ready to get back to it again but with a new mindset! A mindset of contentment, fun, and knowing that the purpose of life isn't to see how much cashmere you might own. ;)

I'll be back with posts in the next day or two!

1 comment:

  1. Whoo hoooo!! Missed you and ur posts!



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