It is a thursday night and I am tired from almost a week of nonstop boring drivers ed, so I will post something random.
Deal with it ok I have been sitting in a room with metal chairs and tires and people who have no fashion sense. Therefore I lack inspiration.
I saw Man of Steel this week!
I didn't really know what I was expecting; I had read that the movie wasn't all that great, but the superhero fanatic that I am (did I really just say that out loud?!), I figured I would probably still like it anyways.
The story of Superman has been retold and remade and retold and remade for decades. Since the 1930s, Superman has been considered the greatest superhero.
Remember several years ago when "Superman Returns" came out?
Yeah, I didn't either until it was mentioned and I vaguely remember seeing it.
It was meant to be a reboot, but that sort of failed.
Anyways, Man of Steel is meant to be a reboot.
I would say that it will probably work.
MoS could have been better. It dragged out a good bit, way too many things blew up, and there was one fight scene after another.
Now I know what you are thinking. "It is a superhero action movie, it is supposed to have those things in there".
You don't understand.
This movie overdid it.
I mean there were so many explosions, falling buildings, punches, explosions, fire, falling buildings, fights, fire, crumbling buildings, exploding buildings, exploding cars....etc.
It was insane and I got a bit tired of it.
Most of the time I can handle that stuff.
I don't often admit it, but I love action movies, especially the superhero ones.
hehe |
hehehaha |
i just love them ok |
{Now that we've gotten that embarresing part of myself out of the way, and settled the fact that, yes, that completely goes against my general personality...}
Therefore I am used to seeing that much stuff.
But in my opinion this movie had too much of it.
But also in my opinion, that was probably the only thing I could really point out that I didn't like about it.
On the upside, the story was great.
I can't really remember much about the Superman story,so I don't know if the movie stuck to the original story, but my brother never made a comment about it not, so I assume it did.
And on the upside, Henry Cavill is pretty awesome as superman.

On another note he looks JUST LIKE somebody I know.
When I say just like, I mean he could be his brother, maybe even twin.
Which of course is weird.
Try walking into church and seeing superman.
Weird, I know.
and hey look it's Amy Adams. Therefore the movie is awesome.
Ok so I know that this post was pretty random, and nothing like what I have been or will be posting on my blog. But I felt just like sharing my thoughts with you on this. Superheroes rock. So do monograms. And chevron. And the beach. And swimming. And vineyard vines. And lilly pullitzer. And bow-backed dresses. Yeah, there we go. |